Special Functions

|SP FNC| key gives you access to a menu with a list of several special functions.


The function Polynomial(<coef>,x) gives the value of a polyomial a+ax+ax²+…+a𝑛xⁿ , for a vector <a₀,…,a𝑛> stored in y-register, and the value for the variable x stored in x-register.


|BESSEL FUNCTIONS| key enter Bessel Functions Menu, with functions: 

|First Kind J0| : Calculates the first kind Bessel function J0(x), where x is stored in x-register
|First Kind J1| : Calculates the first kind Bessel function J1(x), where x is stored in x-register
|First Kind Jn| : Calculates the first kind Bessel function Jn(x), where x is stored in y-register and the order n is stored in x-register
|Second Kind Y0| : Calculates the second kind Bessel function Y0(x), where x is stored in x-register
|Second Kind Y1| : Calculates the second kind Bessel function Y1(x), where x is stored in x-register
|Second Kind Yn| : Calculates the second kind Bessel function Yn(x), where x is stored in y-register and the order n is stored in x-register


|COMPARISONS| key enter Comparisons Menu, with functions: 

|X=Y| : Evaluated to 1 if x-register = y-register, and 0 otherwise
|X>Y| : Evaluated to 1 if x-register > y-register, and 0 otherwise
|X>=Y| : Evaluated to 1 if x-register >= y-register, and 0 otherwise
|X<Y| : Evaluated to 1 if x-register < y-register, and 0 otherwise

|X<=Y| : Evaluated to 1 if x-register <= y-register, and 0 otherwise

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