Integer numbers can be represented in iCALCULA not only in decimal basis but also in hexadecimal, octal and binary.
In order to operate with integers in non decimal basis you must activate Bases Calculator Mode. You activate it with |Activate Bases Calculator| function in |Bases| menu. If Bases Calculator Mode activated, |Bases| key enters Bases menu with functions:
|Deactivate Bases Calculator| : Returns to decimal Calculator Mode.
|Default Base: Decimal| : Input numbers are assumed to be in Decimal Base if no base is specified.
|Default Base: Hexadecimal| : Input numbers are assumed to be in Hexadecimal Base if no base is specified.
|Default Base: Octal| : Input numbers are assumed to be in Octal Base if no base is specified.
|Default Base: Binary| : Input numbers are assumed to be in Binary Base if no base is specified.
While in Bases Calculator Mode numerical pad is expanded to allow keys "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" and "F" which are required for hexadecimal input.
While in input mode you can specify in which base is expressed x-register through keys |d| for decimal, |h| for hexadecimal, |o| for octal and |b| for binary. If not in input mode, these four keys converts from one base to another. |d|, |h|, |o| and |b| keys don't lift the stack but mark it not to be overwritten.
You can change the value of "MaxDenominator" system variable through the function |Set MaxDenominator to X| which can be found in |SYSTEM| key menu.
Following operators perform computations while in Bases Calculator Mode:
|+| : Computes (y + x)-registers and stores result in x-register
|-| : Computes (y - x)-registers and stores result in x-register
|×| : Computes (y * x)-registers and stores result in x-register
|÷| : Computes (y / x)-registers and stores result in x-register
|NOT| : Computes one's complement of binary x-register
|2'sC| : Computes two's complement of binary x-register
|AND| : Computes binary (y AND x)-registers and stores result in x-register
|XOR| : Computes binary (y XOR x)-registers and stores result in x-register
|OR| : Computes binary (y OR x)-registers and stores result in x-register
|NAND| : Computes binary (y NAND x)-registers and stores result in x-register
|NOR| : Computes binary (y NOR x)-registers and stores result in x-register
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