
Vectors are stored in the memory using a list format. Each element of the list contains a vector component.  Vector column format is assumed (a column with n-rows). There's no limitation in the dimension of the list and therefore of the vector. Each component can be real or complex. When one of the components of the vector is complex, the whole vector is marked as complex.  If you enter an number (real or complex) and press |Vec| instead of |ENTER| key, the number is stored as the first component of a vector, a red annunciator VECTOR is displayed at the top of the screen indicating vector input mode, and three red keys appear in the calculator pad:

  • Input component key: |<2>|. You use it for entering successive components of the vector. The number in brackets indicates which component will be stored when you press it next time. It takes the value stored in that moment in Part1 and Part2 of x-register.  While in vector input mode, components are registered in a store independent from x,y,z and t-registers, so you can freely operate with the calculator between different component inputs.
  • Finalize vector input key: |<>✔︎|. You use it for exit input vector mode. VECTOR annunciator disappears, x-register is occupied with the vector, x-display indicates the n-dimension of the vector with a "nRow Vector" label and a blue || key appears at the left of x-display. || key enters a list mode where you can inspect all the components of the x-register vector.  You can then press UNIT to select a physical unit to assign to the introduced vectorial magnitude.
  • Edit vector component key: |Vec |. You use it for editing components of the vector before exit input vector mode. It enters a list mode where you can inspect vector components. If you select one of the components you return to input mode, input component key indicates that you are going to re-enter the selected component and x-display shows the actual stored value for such component.

Following operators perform computations on vectors:

|+| : If x and y-registers contains vectors, it computes (y + x)-registers and stores result in x-register. If x or y-registers contains a real value, it computes element-wise addition
|-| : Computes (y - x)-registers and stores result in x-register
|×| : If x and y-registers contains vectors, it computes component by component product of y and x-registers and stores result in x-register. If x or y-registers contains a real or complex value, it computes vector scale. If y-register is a matrix, it computes y-matrix*x-vector operation.
|÷| : If x and y-registers contains vectors, it computes component by component quotient of y and x-registers and stores result in x-register. If x or y-registers contains a real or complex value, it computes vector scale. 


If x-register contains a vector, |Vec| key enters Vectors menu with functions: 

|Edit Vector| : Enters vector input mode, where you can re-enter particular vector components using Edit vector component key |Vec |
|Norm of Vector| : Calculates norm of x-register vector
|Dot Product Y·X| : Calculates dot product of y and x-register vectors
|Cross Product YxX| : Calculates cross product of y and x-register vectors
|{x} Vector Element| : If x-register is a 1row vector, it obtains the element of the vector in the corresponding position
|{x} || {x,y} Matrix Element| : If x-register is a 1row vector, it obtains the row of the matrix in the corresponding position. If x-register is a 2row vector, it obtains the element of the matrix in the corresponding position
|f[xi] > 0 Element Select| : Obtains a vector with elements xi that satisfy the condition f[xi] > 0, where f is the selected user function
|{xfirst,xlast,(xstep)} Sequence| : if x-register is a 3row vector, it obtains a vector whose rows are the elements of the sequence defined by xfirst xlast and xstep. If x-regiter is a 2row vector, it is assumed that step = 1. If x-register is a 3row vector and xfirst = xlast, it obtains a vector with constant element xfirst, and dimension xstep
|{xfirst,count} f Nest List| : Obtains a vector of dimension count, and elements {f[xfirst], f[f[xfirst]], f[f[f[xfirst]]], ...}
|Sum Vector Reduce| : Obtains the result of adding all the elements of the vector.
|f Vector Map| : Obtains a vector whose elements are the result of applying function f to each element of the vector. f is the selected user function
|f {Y, X} outer product| : Obtains a matrix whose i-rows are the result of applying fxi Vector Map over vector in y-register. xi are the elements of the vector in x-register. f is selected user function with a parameter in its definition. fxi is the selected user function with value of parameter = xi
|Set Vector Function| : The list of user functions appear so that you can select which function will be used in following vector functions
|X Line Chart| : Displays a line chart with points of value the elements of vector in x-register

|(Y, X) Scatter Chart| : Displays a scatter chart with points of coordinates (xi, yi) which are the elements of vectors in x and y-registers.

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