iCALCULA provides a basic routine for numerical integration of unidimensional x-variable functions. Numerical integration of a User Function (f) is operated between two limits, denoted as left (L) and right (R). |Intg| key enters Numerical Integration Menu with functions:
|f:⬅︎X| : Opens a list with the stored user functions in order to select the one to be integrated. Function must obtain the value of the independent variable through the X-Variable register
|L:#⬅︎X| : Sets the actual value of the x-register as the left limit for the numerical integration routine.
|R:#⬅︎X| : Sets the actual value of the x-register as the right limit for the numerical integration routine
|Integrate function in Interval|: Calculates the value for the numerical integral of function f between L and R limits and stores it in the x-register
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