iCALCULA provides a basic routine for numerical finding of root of unidimensional x-variable functions. Numerical Root Finder operates on the domain of a User Function (f) between two limits, denoted as left (L) and right (R). Root Finder obtains values for the x-variable so that |f(x)-Tag|<Tol, where Tag is the goal for the function and Tol the tolerance for the roots. |Solve| key enters Numerical Root Finder Menu with functions:
|f:⬅︎X| : Opens a list with the stored user functions in order to select the one to be integrated. Function must obtain the value of the independent variable through the X-Variable register
|L:#⬅︎X| : Sets the actual value of the x-register as the left limit for the root finder routine
|R:#⬅︎X| : Sets the actual value of the x-register as the right limit for the root finder routine
|Tag:#⬅︎X| : Sets the actual value of the x-register as the goal for the root finder routine
|Tol:#⬅︎X| : Sets the actual value of the x-register as the tolerance for the root finder routine
|Estimate Roots Limits| : Obtains a list of subintervals inner the (L,R) interval which contains potential roots. A result matrix is stored in the x-register. Each row of this matrix contains the limits of each root subinterval.
|Find a Root| : Calculates the value of a root contained in the (L,R) interval. The value of x-variable in the root is stored in the x-register. The value of the function f(x) in the root is stored in the y-register. If no root is found, the algorithm tries to find a root for an extended (L,R) interval.
|Find Roots in Interval|: Calculates the values of all the roots found in the (L,R) interval. A result matrix is stored in the x-register. Each row (x,f(x)) of this matrix contains the value of x-variable in the root and the value of the function f(x) in the root
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