iCALCULA's operating logic is based on an unambiguous, parentheses–free mathematical logic known as Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), also named postfix notation. While conventional algebraic notation places the operators between the relevant numbers or variables, RPN places them after the numbers or variables on which it operates. You will need a little training for using RPN notation most effectively, but you will notice how this way of operating reduces time and help you to structure the calculation process in a more intelligent and organized way.
iCALCULA operates with following types of input:
- Real Numbers
- Fractions
- Complex Numbers
- Non dimensional limited vectors (real or complex)
- Non dimensional limited matrices (real or complex)
- Physical constants
- Physical units
iCALCULA offers more than100 functions that cover most conventional mathematical issues including exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, hyperbolic, logic, combinatorics, statistics, vector algebra, numerical integration, function roots, fractions and numerical bases. The possibility of operate with both a-dimensional and physical quantities optimizes operating costs in many contexts. You simply forget the tedious task of converting physical units before input.
iCALCULA's programming facility allows you to personalize your calculator to best fit your personal needs. You have an unlimited bank of user functions that can be parametrized to cover most situations.
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